The first models of the brand new TIME MOVER® HANDWOUND from BUBEN&ZORWEG have been delivered. It is yet another milestone for the innovative high-end manufacturer of elitist masterpieces – as a provider of a “watch winder“ for handwound watches that sets new standards.
BUBEN&ZORWEG and the legendary TIME MOVER® models have been at the pinnacle of the world market for watch winders for automatic watches for many years. The devices for handwound watches available to date were so far unable to meet the strict requirements that BUBEN&ZORWEG places on quality and performance. However, there was and still is a clear demand: prolonged periods of standstill are as detrimental to the valuable calibres of precious handwound watches as they are to the inner workings of automatic watches. The TIME MOVER® technology provided the solution that has long since prevailed by the collectors and lovers of luxurious automatic chronometers. Why, one might ask oneself, was it so difficult to develop a comparable top-quality product for automatically winding handwound watches?
“The reasons became apparent in the form of the challenges we faced when we started our development work. Mastering the countless obstacles en route to a perfectly functioning TIME MOVER® HANDWOUND was no easy task, and it took the long-standing experience gained from our mature TIME MOVER® technology to enable us to put our reputation behind the market launch of a product that the proud owners of precious handwound watches could entrust their favourite time-pieces to with a clear conscience,“ reports managing director Christian Zorweg.
Fingertip feeling – or when every millisecond counts
One of the most difficult hurdles common to handwound watches was the lack of a safety clutch: the force applied to the spring increases continuously until it reaches its ideal tension. The TIME MOVER® HANDWOUND is equipped with state-of-the-art, electronically controlled sensors that monitor changes in spring tension until it reaches the ideal point. The winding process stops in a matter of milliseconds as soon as this point is reached. BUBEN&ZORWEG has therefore basically relocated the safety clutch externally to the watch winder system, so to speak, where it reliably prevents any over-tensioning of the spring.
Lovers of these fine timepieces have a natural feeling for a perfectly wound watch in their fingertips… and fingertips are precisely what the creative developers at BUBEN&ZORWEG used as a benchmark. They were supported by the young science of Bionics that looks at Nature‘s optimum solutions and incorporates them in innovative technology. The winding rollers that clamp the crown of the watch are a prime example. A very special rubber mixture was developed for the rollers; they grip the crown with the sensitivity of careful fingertips and transfer the measurement data to the electronic control system with more feeling and control than even the most sensitive human hand could ever achieve.
The operating modes of the TIME MOVER® HANDWOUND are equally aligned with the strict requirements upheld by the proud owners of precious handwound watches
The “speed winding“ mode winds the watch quickly, allowing it to be taken from the device and worn after just a short time. No matter how little or how much tension the watch has: it is always wound until the spring is fully tensioned, but not a pinch more.
Watches in the “collector‘s mode“ are kept moving over extended periods to preserve their value and maintain their functionality. A sophisticated algorithm ensures the watch remains within the ideal spring tension range. The torque remains constant and the highest accuracy is achieved.
A matter of course for BUBEN&ZORWEG – although the development of the TIME MOVER® HANDWOUND is based on scientific principles and a great deal of skill, the device is nonetheless convenient and simple to use, and its intelligent software reliably prevents incorrect operation.
“What will be the next item to emerge from BUBEN&ZORWEG‘s hotbed of innovation? “Our creative development processes reach far ahead, up to 5 years into the future. At the same time, we have made it a tradition not to speak of things that are not yet ripe for decision. What I can say is that we are continuously working intensely on developing fascinating new objects and solutions. This time it is the TIME MOVER® HANDWOUND; a little inconspicuous, perhaps, but nonetheless a sensation for every lover of precious handwound watches,“ discloses managing director Harald Buben.
- Highest operational safety
- Automatic deactivation when the watch is fully wound
- Intelligent control system keeps the winding spring within an ideal tension range
- Easy to operate
- Universally suitable for virtually any hand-wound watch
- Universal adjustment settings for power reserve and speed winding
- Mains and battery operation
- Made in Germany
- 180 x 280 x 230 mm
- Mains operation, battery operation